Projekte | Viabizzuno progettiamo la luce
Entdecken Sie alle Projekte und Arbeiten von Viabizzuno in Zusammenarbeit mit den bedeutendsten Architekten und Planern der Welt.
baj. baj chez baj
Ort:palazzo reale, milan
Projekt:umberto zanetti - zda zanetti design architettura
Käufer:comune di milano-cultura con palazzo reale ed electa
Beleuchtungsprojekt:umberto zanetti - zda zanetti design architettura, Viabizzuno
foto:lorenzo palmieri courtesy of electa
one year after the opening of the ‘gabriele basilico. le mie città’ exhibition, Viabizzuno returned to palazzo reale from 8 october 2024 to 9 february 2025 with ‘baj. baj chez baj’, the exhibition promoted by comune di milano-cultura and produced by palazzo reale with electa that celebrated enrico baj on the centenary of his birth, master of the italian and international neo-avant-garde.
curated by chiara gatti and roberta cerini baj, the exhibition retraced the phases, themes and characters of baj's artistic production from the 1950s to the beginning of the new millennium, counting almost fifty works organised in ten thematic sections.
the set-up, designed by umberto zanetti - zda zanetti design architettura, was intended to harmonise the artist's works and the striking architectural context. designing the light therefore meant for Viabizzuno finding solutions that would allow the artworks to be properly illuminated and at the same time enhance the volumes and precious historical features of the rooms of palazzo reale.
in the sala del lucernario, the space that first welcomed visitors to the exhibition, there was ‘apocalisse’, a polyptych of almost one hundred square metres surrounded by microtraccia track with trentotto and ecomini spotlights, whose illumination was complemented by the light coming from the octagonal opening in the ceiling, above which is a room of the museo del novecento. on the sides of the space, traccia terra with trentotto spotlights illuminates exhibition elements such as posters, captions and panels.
catenaria di luce serpentine ran through the space of the majestic sala delle cariatidi: the easy adjustability of the spotlights made it possible to realise precise and dedicated aiming for each individual work displayed on wooden panels made by UniFor. the catenaria cables have been then anchored to fourteen 4.5 metre poles placed around the perimeter of the hall, a solution which on the one hand allowed the delicate walls to remain untouched, and on the other avoids the use of conduits for the passage of electrical cables on the floor.
for the large opera ‘i funerali dell'anarchito pinelli’ an additional dedicated illumination was devised: in addition to the catenaria, a microtraccia track with trentotto sagomatore was installed, the optics enabling the work to be framed with extreme precision.
the result was an evocative exhibition path, which allows the visitor to read and understand the extraordinary works on display and enjoy the architectural features of the space.