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all the contents, in any format, published on the website, including merely by way of example and not limited to, the projects, images, sounds, videos, descriptions, drawings, webpages as well as the graphics, colours, schemes, instruments, characters and design of the website, the diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions and software which form part of the website, are protected by copyright and any other intellectual property right belonging to Viabizzuno and other holders of the respective rights.


the reproduction, in full or in part, in any manner and form, of the website and its contents is prohibited, without the express written consent of Viabizzuno.


with reference to the use of the website, you are exclusively authorised to view the website and its contents, as well as carry out all the other navigation operations on the website which are performed solely for legitimate use of the same and its contents.


any additional act of use and/or reproduction will have to be, as and when appropriate, authorised by Viabizzuno or, if necessary, by the authors of the individual projects contained on the website. these reproduction operations will in any event have to be carried out for licit reasons and in observance of the copyright and the other intellectual property rights of Viabizzuno and the authors of the individual works contained on the website.

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