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c2 anelli
IP20 rated suspension light fitting for indoor use. made of a 30x32mm extruded oxidised aluminium, calendered with internal light. versions: c2 anelli diameter Ø1060mm with two 3000mm suspension cables made of stainless steel and one 2x0,75mm² power cable, c2 anelli diameter Ø2060mm with four pieces of 3000mm suspension cables made of stainless steel and two 2x0,75mm² power cable, equipped with frosted polycarbonate diffuser. wired with 2700K Ra95 linear led source 87W and 168W. available with 240V 50-60Hz power supply provider rose and with ceiling rose and fully concealed brick and plasterboard housing. finishes: argento hacca, ottone ap-s and marrone mn.



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