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IP20 rated recessed system for indoor use. it consists of an extruded aluminium profile having a section of 94x28.5mm creating a rectangular frame up to 1298mm or a linear frame up to 3000mm, holding the oxidised aluminium wiring kits measuring 322x84x174mm. the spotlights can be adjusted by 45° on the horizontal axis and by 75° on the vertical axis, while the lid can rotate up to 105°. kit eco mini is wired with Ra95 3000K 2x12.4W 2x826lm 13° led source and 2x12.7W 2x1075lm 19° and 36° led source. 240V 50-60Hz power supply included accessories: casing up to 4 modules, blind lid kit. finishes: black profile and frame; bianco V, polished aluminium and nero55 kit ecomini and kit sportello cieco.



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