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mn sistema
IP20 indoor use direct light lighting system made with painted aluminum body and matte black light trap.
mn soffitto h32mm power supply excluded,
mn incasso h26mm power supply excluded,
mn scomparsa totale h32 power supply excluded,
dimensions: 130x130mm, 130x250mm, 130x370mm, 250x250mm, 490x490mm, 30x370mm, 30x730mm, 30x1450mm
mn traccia sistema h32mm 24Vdc dimmer pwm or casambi
dimensions: 130x130mm, 130x250mm, 30x370mm, 30x730mm
matrix models wired with mn bulb modular electronic source 130x130mm ra97 2 step macadam until 13W 1539lm
dimension 130x130mm one light bulb module, dimension 130x250mm two light bulb modules, 130x370 three light bulb modules, 250x250mm four light bulb modules, 490x490mm twelve light bulb modules.
linear models wired mn bulb modular electronic source 30x370mm ra97 2 step macadam until 9,5W 1032lm
dimension 30x370mm one light bulb module, dimension 30x730mm two light bulb modules, 30x1450 four light bulb modules.
eletronic source available at 2700K, 3000K o 3500K
the 44° optical system guarantees ugr<10 and lm<1000 cd/m² for viewing angle>65°, the 70° optical system guarantees ugr<19 complying with uni en 12464-1.
finishes: silver hacca, white V, my white, black55, matte black light trap
mn sistema can be managed from a mobile device via Viascenario app, the Viabizzuno wireless lighting control system.