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head office of daimler chrysler italia
place:roma, italia
project:architetto fabrizio da col
buyer:daimler chrysler italia
lighting project:fabrizio da col, Viabizzuno
the original idea was that everything should originate from two large volumes, very different form one another in both shape and size, each with its own particular function, and each recognisable. two different volumes able to “converse” with one another and with the pre-existing green space. the first volume, faced with grey plaster tending towards brown, is a parallelepipedon intended as an entrance and a waiting space, adjacent to the road which it crosses marking the entrance and then bending, almost as if to welcome the second volume, an ellipsoid faced with aluminium which houses the reception. inside, everything is white. the only natural light comes from a skylight above, ennobling the space. a zenithal light projected on to the floor and, as the hours pass, on to the walls. the reception desk is generated by its volume and follows an irregular curve. it is an object made entirely of light. lit by led manipulated by an electronic panel controlling the chromatic variations, changing colours and scenario. the neutral spaces at the entrance and in the reception area are enhanced by huge dark cones in glass fibre, which give a gentle suffused light. the shapes of the cypress trees in the garden are echoed in the tall white lighting fixtures, also made of glass fibre, silhouetted against the lawn.



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