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the Viabizzuno journal that describes our way of making light. to appreciate, study and explore project and architectures, people and events and work together with the art of light.
available also in digital version.
report 27secondo semestre 2011
now dawn has finally come, lamps are turned off, and the whole city wakes up little by little, moon has got stuck, suprised, pale, it will disappear in the sky fading away.
projects: book mountain library - spijkenisse, holland
villa guastavillani - bologna
eduard-wallnofer platz – innsbruck, austria
eraldo fashion building – ceggia, venice
piazza minghetti - bologna
parco di parnu vallikaar - estonia
chemical, pharmacy and medicine faculties, innsbruck university - austria
house in tielrode – tielrode, belgium
the brunate cableway- brunate, como
gutenberg castle - balzers, fl, fürstentum, liechtenstein
residence elbschloss park – hamburg, germany
villa on lake maggiore - cerro di laveno, varese
the church of saints quirico and giulitta in camnago, monza-brianza
röda sten center for contemporay arts - gothenburg, sweden
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