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cisei sistema
track wall system with luminous movable shelves recessed in a fully concealed electrified track IP20 for indoor, accessible from the front through a 6mm thick slot. made of black oxidized extruded aluminum 40x85mm in size, wired with copper conductors with a 3mm2 section, designed to house quick-fit components without cable. the track is completed with end feed and 2x0.75mm2 1000mm, 1500mm, 2000mm, 3000mm cable. luminous movable shelves thickness 6mm made of extruded silver satin aluminum, depth 240mm, length 990, 1490, 1990 and 2990mm wired with linear electronic source indirect light 20W/m 24V at 2700K or 3000K, dimmable with 24Vdc remote power supply not included. hello, who's speaking? are you there? are you there or are you not? it depends… so only 6mm? yes, only 6mm. then we'll see! mn



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