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IP67 rated recessed light fitting for indoor and outdoor use. made of oxidised aluminium, with a bezel in aisi 316L stainless steel or in oxidised and powder painted aluminium. versions: m18 incasso 15 diameter Ø87mm h.40mm, m18 incasso 30 diameter Ø87mm h.40mm, m18 scomparsa totale 15 diameter Ø76mm h.40mm, inclined of 15° with 30°x29° optics and IK08 transparent glass, m18 scomparsa totale 30 diameter Ø76mm h.40mm, inclined of 30° with 83°x58°optics, sanded glass and antiglare shield. wired with 2700K or 3000K led source up to 8.2W 755lm. constant current power supply not included, to be installed remotely. accessories: plasterboard housing, brickwork housing and concrete housing. finishes: aisi 316L stainless steel, marrone mn and bianco V.



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