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c sistema
IP20 rated modular system for indoor use and IP67 rated for outdoor use. made of powder and painted oxidised extruded aluminium, available in the configured version or to custom at user's discretion. versions: c2 30x32 wall and ceiling version, ck 30x32, c1 30x48 wall, ceiling and suspension version, c1 40x48 recessed, ca 42x42 wall and ceiling version, c 16.64 with a 90x50mm section; css 92x48 fully concealed version; csr 60x68 fully concealed grazing version; c3 10x30. each hollow profile can be cutted to the desired length and is suitable to accommodate the following electrical wiring kits: kit with linear led source and frosted polycarbonate diffuser, kit with linear led source and h.5mm frosted polycarbonate diffuser, kit with linear led source and prismatic polycarbonate diffuser, kit with linear led source and polycarbonate elliptical lens, IP67 kit with resin linear led source, linea di luce with integrated current limiter, micromen spotlight kit 36.8x30x120mm wired with 2700K and 3000K 2x1W up to 2x90lm led source, vangogh spotlight kit 42x30x125mm wired with 2700K and 3000K les6 2x2,2W 2x214lm, trentotto spotlight kit diameter Ø38mm 60x250mm wired with 2700K and 3000K 5.6W 19° and 41° up to 544lm led source, ecomini spotlight kit with diameter Ø55mm 69x250mm wired with 2700K and 3000K 12.4W 13° and 12.7W 19° 31° 24Vdc led source with dimmer, trasparenze 100 kit 30x250mm and trasparenze 250 kit 30x300mm. all the electrical kits are powered with 24Vdc constant voltage, power supply not included. accessories: lateral end caps, c sistema blind lid, linear joints, push-button, various fittings, adjustable hooks for integrated systems, 240V/24Vdc power supply, suspension kit, led sources supports and linee di luce. finishes: profiles, IP67 profiles, vangogh spotlight kit, trentotto kit, ecomini spotlight kit and trasparenze support matt silver, bianco V and nero55, c2 30x32 IP67 silver grey. and trasparenze support matt silver, bianco V and nero55, c2 30x32 IP67 silver grey.



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