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net parete soffitto
IP20 rated wall and ceiling light fitting for indoor use. made of a powder coated steel rectangular body measuring 240x75x95mm and 480x75x95mm. versions: net 24 parete soffitto spot 20° with spot light 20.4W up to 1479lm, net 48x6 parete soffitto spot 20° with spot light 38,2W fino a 3252lm. 20° spotlight versions have a body adjustable by 355° on the vertical axis and by 20° on the horizontal axis and an anti-glare ring ensuring high visual comfort. wired with 2700K or 3000K led sources. 240V power supply included only for spotlight model net 48x4 parete soffitto. finishes: bianco V, argento hacca and marrone mn.



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