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IP20 rated recessed or fully concealed light fitting for indoor use. made of powder painted aluminium. versions: m6 scomparsa totale fixed version 180x238x145mm, m6 scomparsa totale adjustable version 180x247x211mm, m6 scomparsa totale laterizio 180x355x185mm m6 incasso recessed version 133x224x162mm with powder and painted oxidized aluminium or polished stainless steel frame. wired for G53 12V lamps not included, or with 3000K or 3200Vb K led kit (designed for the high fashion industry) up to 21.5W 1970lm with 12° 23° 38° optics. transformer for G53 12V lamps not included, to be installed remotely. constant current power supply for led kit not included, to be installed remotely. accessories: brickwork housing and bianco V, nero 55 and polished stainless steel frame for m6 recessed version. finishes: bianco V and nero55.



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