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IP20-rated indoor light fitting for display made of 13x13mm section oxidized extruded aluminum with white leather top. composed of blind and wired profiles with 45° electronic source with satin polycarbonate diffuser and 4mm anti-glare fin. versions: teca 345x345x240 induzione, teca 345x345x240 induzione con vetri. module with integrated storage cells and touch sensor for on/off switch rechargeable with charger induction table, recessed, traccia sistema, sempreappoggio teca 345x345x240, teca 345x345x240 con vetri. plug-in power supply included. wired with electronic source Ra95 3000K 13W/m 1250lm/m. induction models with light on 3 sides, wired models with light on 4 sides. teca 345x345x240 for traccia sistema, wired with electronic source 3000K Ra95 16W 1250lm/m. teca 345x345x150 for traccia sistema, wired with electronic source 3000K Ra95 19W 1250lm/m. teca 230x230x400 for traccia sistema , wired with electronic source 3000K Ra95 12.5W 1250lm/m. finishes: argento hacca, nero55, ottone ap-s.



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