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ansi ul (american market)
ansi ul certifies the products in compliance with american market, with different companies
ul (underwriters laboratories) is a private american organisation funded in 1894. the ul brand, along with the etl one, identifies a product that possesses the requirements to be sold and distributed on the north american territory as it is tested and certified in accordance with applicable standards (nasi standard, ul standard, sca standard, astm, nfpa).
etl (electrical testing laboratories) is a private independent american organisation that has operated in the field of measurements for over 100 years, since its foundation by thomas alva edison in 1896. the trademark etl identifies a product that possesses the necessary requisites for sale and distribution in north america because it has been tested and certified in compliance with applicable standards (ansi, ul, csa, astm, nfpa standards). etl is a byword for safety in the electrical framework, and is the preferred trademark of many manufacturers throughout the world for reliability, fame, market appreciation and acceptance on the part of competent authorities and, not least of all, for speedy and flexible release.



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